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Restoration Network
How to Prepare Your Home for Summer Storms & Severe Weather
Restoration Network
/ Categories: Storm Damage

How to Prepare Your Home for Summer Storms & Severe Weather

Summer is easily the best time of the year. Sunshine, beaches, and ice cream —  is there anything better?

But while summer is full of fun, you must prepare yourself for those sudden summer storms and severe weather. Preparing before a severe storm hit is vital to reduce potential damage to your home.

To help you prepare for summer storms and severe weather, here are seven things you should do before the storm season hits.

Secure Your Furniture

For starters, start with securing your furniture to avoid potential disasters. Heavy winds can cause your furniture, such as the patio table and chairs, to damage the outside of your house. One way to secure your patio furniture is by bringing it into your home or shed to avoid any damage before a storm hits.

Also, make sure to keep anything in your yard in the garage or your home to avoid flying debris during severe weather.

Protect All Areas

Wind and storms can be a massive threat to some areas of your house, including the roof, the doors, and the garage. To keep those critical areas safe from storm damage, you can install protection such as wind shutters or window coverings.

And finally, don't forget to keep a well maintained garage door, or it might not stand up to a tough storm.

Trim Down the Tree Limbs

Dead tree limbs can loosen up and cause severe damage to your home's exterior during storms and extreme weather. What’s more, harsh weather conditions can also pull the shallow tree roots out of the ground.

Make sure you trim down any trees and limbs that may pose a potential threat to your home.

Check the Gutters

The drains and rain gutters of your house should be free of any debris that may block the water flow. Keeping the gutters clean will stop the water from accumulating in one place, so you will be able to direct it away from your home.

The water that pools around the exterior walls of your house can also cause structural damage, resulting in costly repairs.

Learn How to Cut Off Your Electricity & Water Supply

Learning how to cut off your electricity and water supply is incredibly important in case of a winter storm because severe weather can cause power outages.

You should know where the circuit breaker panel and the main water valve are present in your home. Furthermore, you should also know how to use them to shut down the power or the water supply if the need arises.

Protect the Electrical Outlets

The mixture of water and electricity is a disaster waiting to happen. Consider installing protective coverings to keep water coming in contact with the electrical outlets.

Have a Fire Extinguisher Ready

Keeping a fire extinguisher ready and close by can literally save you from death in case of a house fire.

Install fire extinguishers in areas where they are readily accessible. Additionally, you should also know where they are placed and how to use them in case of a fire.

Furthermore, you should also check the pressure of the fire extinguishers frequently to ensure that they are working correctly. Try getting them serviced if the pressure gets low.

Contact Restoration Network to Get a Free Inspection!

While it’s a great idea to prepare your home for the summer, either way, it’s important to schedule regular inspections to ensure your home is fully protected against severe weather.

At Restoration Network, our team of certified contractors will inspect the state of your home and help you protect your home against potential storm damage. To schedule an appointment, give us a call at 612-564-0202

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